Monday, June 14, 2010



Wow...I can't believe summer is already here! D: ...I mean...I REALLY WANTED summer to be here...but i made friends...Best Friends. At least I was brave enough to take a stand. Somehow i feel like a manga character because my life has changed. haha xD I'm really gonna miss all my friends. D; But..this time I'm not so nervous about school next year.. O_O I...don't know why~ x_x Anyhow....I plan to try to keep in touch with ALL MY FRIENDS that I've lost connection with! And...Since I have lots of time on my hands I plan to make a suckish/boring comic! xD ..I might post some pages or chapters for you guys to view ^3^ ...AND don't forget, Summer means Vacation!~ I might travel to Hawaii but again..who knows. ;D Anyways my summer goal is to do as many things as I can, read as many books/mangas, face my fears, and have (or try to have) the greatest summer ever. I know, I know...there are more summers to come but try to have as much fun as you can every year/summer!~ ;3 Well...I'm running out of things to say so....
I hope you all to have the best summer this year!

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."

anime summer vacation icon Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. waaaaaaah!!!!!!
    sooo awesome bloggie~~
    me will miss yew soo much ne....
    I hope you have fun this summer!~ <3

  2. ahhhh thankies! >w<
    me will miss you too D:
    i hope u have fun in summer school~ hehe:D
